Vintage Celeb Mugshots

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Mugshot Doppelganger by Michael Jason Enriquez Links Present With Past

The Mugshot Doppelganger photo series may seem very familiar even though they are comprised of vintage mugshots. That is because the images have been doctored to cleverly depict modern celebrity faces in the old school captures. Using actual mugshot portraits of each celebrity, the images are pretty flawless.

Designed by Michael Jason Enriquez, an advertising student at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, the Mugshot Doppelganger photo series is quite eerie, in fact. Nevertheless, the mastermind behind the Tumblr project mentions that it offers a way of "linking us to the past."

The Mugshot Doppelganger photo series is comprised of such infamous celebrities as Lindsay Lohan, Mel Gibson, Robert Downey Jr., Nicole Richie, Charlie Sheen and Snooki.
Trend Themes
1. Vintage Mugshot Doppelganger - The use of vintage mugshots in depicting modern celebrity faces through image editing technology.
2. Eerie Link to the Past - Creating an unsettling connection between the present and past through old mugshots of celebrities.
3. Pop Culture Revival - Reviving the popularity of vintage mugshots through image editing technology to depict modern-day celebrities.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - Using creative visual content for branding and campaigns can attract more audience engagement.
2. Art and Design - Using recycled vintage photography for creative projects can produce both nostalgia and new creative possibilities.
3. Technology and Photography - The use of image editing technology can create unique, visually appealing concepts for print and digital media.

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