Kid-Friendly MRI Apps

'My MRI at King’s' Helps Removes the Fear of Undergoing an MRI Scan

'My MRI at King’s' is the name of a free app from King’s College Hospital that is meant to help remove some of the fear and anxiety that can come with getting an MRI scan. The app is designed for kids, but it also has the potential to educate parents and keep them calm as well.

For people of all ages, one of the most intimidating parts of going in for a medical procedure is not knowing what to expect. As such, the virtual reality app shows 360-degree videos of the entire process of getting an MRI scan, right from one's arrival at reception through to the scan itself.

If a young child requires frequent visits to the hospital and finds them unpleasant, some begin to refuse to leave home for an appointment, making it very hard on parents. This app is a reassuring tool that parents may use to prepare themselves and their children for a visit at the medical center.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Healthcare Education - Opportunity for virtual reality apps to provide immersive educational experiences in healthcare settings.
2. Medical Procedure Anxiety Reduction - Innovative apps and technology that aim to alleviate anxiety and fear associated with medical procedures.
3. Child-focused Healthcare Technologies - Growing market for healthcare technologies designed specifically for children to address their unique needs and concerns.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunities for healthcare providers to integrate virtual reality apps in patient education and anxiety reduction strategies.
2. Education - Opportunities for educational institutions to develop virtual reality content for healthcare education, catering to students and professionals in the medical field.
3. Virtual Reality - Emerging market for virtual reality technology and applications in the healthcare sector to enhance patient experiences and improve outcomes.

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