Aging Afros

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Motown Shows Its Age At Kaya FM 95.9 With a Balding, White Afro

Radio station Kaya FM 95.9 of South Africa uses the image of a man with a white afro and bald spot to promote the 50th anniversary of Motown and their radio station.

What an original way to relate their message. Love it!

The ad was created by advertising agency The Firehouse, Johannesburg, South Africa with creative direction by Steven Richards, Rowan John and Ryan Liedeman. The copy was written by Tamara Kotelo with photography by David Prior.
Trend Themes
1. Afrocentric Marketing - Businesses in various industries can leverage Afrocentric marketing to target and captivate African American audiences
2. Nostalgia Marketing - By tapping into vintage images and old brands, businesses can use nostalgia marketing to evoke positive emotions and connect with their audience
3. Diversity and Inclusion Advertising - Fostering representation is gaining momentum, and companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in their advertising will stay on the right side of history
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - With online music streaming services radically changing the way music is consumed, being creative with advertising can be a disruptive marketing opportunity for the music industry.
2. Beauty Industry - With a growing demand for more inclusive beauty standards, companies must ensure their marketing messages are diverse and inclusive to integrate with progressive beauty trends
3. Travel and Tourism Industry - Using Afrocentric images can be a game-changer for travel and tourism businesses targeting African American tourists looking for authentic experiences in their trips

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