Miss England Told to Gain Weight

Next Miss World To Have Curves

Miss England has been told by the pageant director to put on some weight if she wants to win the world crown. She is a size eight and weighs 126 pounds. By the typical model standard, she is considered to be in the plus size category.

The organizers of the Miss World Competition are looking for contestants with more curves. The Daily Mail says that she's in no hurry to gain weight, remaining on a low fat diet with no intention of plumping up or adding pounds.

The concern with underweight models and celebrities is growing, and still comes with a lot of controversial opinions around the world. Back in April, we featured a story on the debate over Australian teen, Alice Burdeu, a reality how contestant criticized for being underweight:
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity - Opportunity for companies to promote body positivity and challenge traditional beauty standards.
2. Health at Every Size - Potential for businesses to cater to diverse body sizes and promote inclusivity in the fashion and beauty industries.
3. Sustainable Fashion - Chance for brands to prioritize ethical and sustainable practices by creating clothing lines for all body types.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to redefine beauty standards and offer inclusive clothing options for all sizes.
2. Beauty - Potential for beauty companies to promote diverse body sizes and develop products that cater to a wider range of customers.
3. Wellness - Opportunity for wellness brands to emphasize body positivity and provide resources for individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle at any size.

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