Toy-Friendly Houses

The Mills House is Designed to Keep Kids' Toys Out of Sight

The Mills house, also dubbed the Mills toy management house, is the latest quirky architectural offering from Australian practice Austin Maynard Architects.

The most eye-catching feature of the Mills house is the inclusion of a raised floor. The space beneath this floor functions as a crawl space for small storage, as well as a place to store toys in one place. Adults can use the raised area for seating. The raised floor design makes it easy to simply sweep all the toys into the storage compartments from the top and the sides, rather than having to get kids to collect their toys and place them somewhere in an organized and tedious fashion.

Ultimately, the Mills house encourages children to play and reduces headaches on the part of parents when it comes to getting kids to clean up the mess after playtime.
Trend Themes
1. Toy Management Architecture - Designing homes or spaces that cater to the needs of families with young children and their toys.
2. Kid-friendly Storage Solutions - Creating furniture or spaces that make it easy for children to clean up and store their toys.
3. Smart Seating Design - Incorporating innovative seating designs that can serve multiple purposes, such as seating and storage.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Opportunity to explore new design concepts and integrate technology to create toy-friendly spaces for families.
2. Furniture - Opportunity to create furniture that can cater to the needs of both children and adults, combining style with functionality.
3. Real Estate - Opportunity to create a niche market for families with young children by designing and marketing toy-friendly homes and spaces.

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