Controller-less Games

Microsoft ‘Project Natal' Makes Xbox Games Without Controllers

Microsoft has announced it will be releasing technology that allows video game players to play their games sans controller.

This new technology is called “Project Natal” and lets players use their bodies instead of hand held controllers. Microsoft Project Natal relies on a camera to capture the movements players make in a 3-dimensional space.

Implications - With the advancement of gaming technology, new ways of playing video games are surfacing. The idea of taking away controllers and using the body as a tool for gaming shows the that bridge between reality and the virtual world is shrinking. It is apparent that no one wants to sit on a couch anymore and push buttons, with consumers seeking an interactive experience.
Trend Themes
1. Body-controlled Gaming - The advancement of gaming technology is paving the way for new ways of playing video games, with the use of the body as a tool for gaming.
2. Controller-less Gameplay - The introduction of Microsoft's 'Project Natal' technology signifies a shift towards gameplay without the need for traditional handheld controllers.
3. Interactive Gaming Experience - Consumers are increasingly seeking a more immersive and interactive gaming experience, driving the demand for controller-less gameplay.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The gaming industry is experiencing disruption as new technologies like Microsoft's 'Project Natal' redefine how games are played.
2. Technology - Advancements in gaming technology, such as controller-less gameplay, are influencing the broader tech industry and driving innovation in user interfaces.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry, specifically video games, is embracing controller-less gameplay to provide more immersive and interactive experiences for consumers.

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