Viral Sea Predator Movies

'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus' Becomes Unexpected Hit

Straight-to-DVD films are usually never buzzed about, but "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" was recently debuted on MTV and now surrounding the movie is nothing but buzz.

It may have sub-standard camerawork, daytime soap-style acting, horrible special effects, and a tiny budget, but this little movie has become very big. The leading lady is Deborah Gibson, a washed-up 80s pop star and even she is shocked to see the view count on the trailer for 'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.'

With the movie coming to DVD stores on Tuesday, the YouTube trailer view sensation is sure to make 'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus' a hit home video. I know I want it already!
Trend Themes
1. Direct-to-dvd - Direct-to-DVD films are gaining unexpected buzz and success, offering opportunities for filmmakers to create low-budget movies with potential for viral marketing campaigns.
2. Social Media Advertising - Movies like 'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus' leveraging social media platforms to create hype and generate buzz, leading to increased viewership and sales.
3. Nostalgia Marketing - Utilizing washed-up 80s pop stars like Deborah Gibson in low-budget films can tap into nostalgic sentiments and attract a dedicated audience seeking throwback experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Film Production - The film production industry can explore the potential of low-budget, direct-to-DVD films and leverage social media advertising to reach a wider audience.
2. Home Entertainment - The home entertainment industry can benefit from the success of 'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus' and similar movies by promoting DVD sales and offering exclusive behind-the-scenes content.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The marketing and advertising industry can learn from the nostalgia marketing used in 'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus' and apply it to other products or campaigns targeting a nostalgic audience.

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