Equine Bacon Sculptures

The Meat Horse by AuTopsyTurvy Might Make You Turn Vegan

We've featured unusual bacon sculptures before, but the Meat Horse by AuTopsyTurvy has to take the cake for its gruesome anatomical nature. The artist created this bacon equine sculpture, which is covered with almost $200 of prosciutto and bacon, for a student project at Ohio State University.

AuTopsyTurvy built the Meat Horse by creating a metal-and-wood framework, covering it with plaster and pinning the slices of prosciutto and bacon directly atop the plaster. Although the Meat Horse isn't made of solid bacon (now that would be a gruesome creation), it's still an incredible design feat.

The Meat Horse by AuTopsyTurvy is an entrant in the Instructables Bacon Contest, which closes on May 8. If this design is indicative of the other entries, it'll be a tough contest to judge.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Food Art - The trend of creating unique art through the use of food could be an opportunity for food companies to explore their creativity, connect with customers and promote their brand.
2. Alternative Protein Sources - The emergence of unconventional food art could also trigger the trend of alternative protein sources, such as plant-based or lab-grown meat, as consumers become more open-minded towards exploring new dietary options.
3. Sustainable Packaging and Recycling - Another trend that could arise from the popularity of food art is the need for sustainable packaging solutions and recycling initiatives to minimize the environmental impact of food waste.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Companies in the food and beverage industry could leverage unconventional food art as a marketing strategy to attract customers and differentiate their brand in a crowded market.
2. Art and Design - Unconventional food art could also be an opportunity for art and design industry to explore new forms of creative expressions and challenge the traditional notion of what constitutes art.
3. Waste Management - As unconventional food art gains popularity, an industry that could benefit is the waste management sector, as there may be a need for specialized composting and recycling facilities to manage the disposal of food art pieces without harming the environment.

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