Hectic Music Illustrations

McBess Renders Cluttered and Condensed Images

McBess has been drawing since an early age. His college studies found him studying third dimension art, but his two dimension drawings are also impressive. From France, McBess currently resides in London, where he works for the advertising agency The Mill. McBess is influenced by leather jacket swagger and a rock n' roll attitude you won't find in any other illustrator. His work leaps off the page, and has been compared to the work of the Gorillaz.

McBess is known for working primarily in black and white, which lends even more of a dark aesthetic to the rock and roll experience he creates. His illustrations create a world where old rockers are being chased around by hot young amazon girls with crude sayings tattooed on their bodies, elongated limbs and guitars.

McBess is also in a band called The Dead Pirates with his brother.
Trend Themes
1. Black and White Illustrations - The trend of creating black and white illustrations in a unique fashion is on the rise, presenting an opportunity for artists to carve out their own niche and create truly unique art.
2. Influencing by Rock and Roll - The trend of rock and roll inspired art is gaining popularity, offering opportunities for businesses in the music industry to collaborate with artists to create unique and innovative album covers and promotional materials.
3. Mixing Art Forms - The trend of combining various art forms like music and illustration is gaining popularity, presenting an opportunity for businesses in both industries to create innovative collaborations and products.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can work with McBess to create unique and catchy ad campaigns and promotional materials that stand out from the competition.
2. Music - The music industry can collaborate with artists like McBess to create album covers, merchandise and other promotional materials that creatively showcase a band's sound and style.
3. Art - Art collectors and enthusiasts can appreciate and collect McBess' work, with potential opportunities to exhibit his work in galleries and art shows.

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