Ancient Prophecy Prints

These Mayan Asertec Insurance Broker Ads Predict Damage to Your Property

According to the ancient Mesoamerican civilization, in December of 2012 the fourth epoch of man will have ended. This prehistoric prophecy may trouble few modern people, but these Mayan Asertec Insurance Broker ads acknowledge the predicted downfall of our society -- insofar as it leads to clever marketing.

Insurance companies thrive amidst the uncertainty of anxious times, when the fear of lost or damaged assets is stemmed from a rocky economy or the threat of natural disasters. The Iconic advertising agency of Quito, Ecuador, created two prints which reference the Mayan forecast and address the likelihood of at least some calamity in the coming year.

The visual strategy employed in the Mayan Asertec Insurance Broker campaign integrates Mesoamerican textiles with contemporary illustration. In each ad, a decorated elder looks on as a modern house burns down and a car runs over a rock.
Trend Themes
1. Apocalyptic Marketing - Insurance companies are using apocalyptic themes in their marketing campaigns as a way to thrive amidst anxious times.
2. Cultural Integration Advertising - The use of cultural motifs in contemporary advertising is an innovative way to generate interest among the modern audience.
3. Illustration and Textile Fusion - The integration of traditional textiles with modern illustration is an emerging trend in the design industry.
Industry Implications
1. Insurance Services - Opportunities for innovative and creative advertising campaigns abound in the insurance industry, particularly in times of economic uncertainty and rising anxiety.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Innovative advertising campaigns, such as the Mayan Asertec Insurance Broker ads, can help transform an entire industry by combining traditional cultural values and contemporary ideas.
3. Design - Designers can find innovative ways to integrate traditional cultural motifs with modern design principles, as seen in the Mayan Asertec Insurance Broker ads.

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