Next-Gen Massage Chairs

The DreamWave M.8, a Full-Body Shiatsu Chair, is Coming to CES 2019

At CES 2019, the DreamWave M.8 massage chair is set to make its debut as a next-generation massage chair with a sleek form that draws upon designer Ken Okuyama's work for automotive companies Porsche, Ferrari and Maserati. As such, the design of the DreamWave M.8 incorporates elements like rear-swinging doors, which help to make it easier for users—particularly older users and those with back problems—to get in and out of the chair.

The luxurious massage chair focuses on sharing a full-body shiatsu experience informed by Eastern massage with kneading, tapping, pulsing and rolling movements. In order to emulate the movements of a massage given by a human, the chair offers a range of movements and automatic adjustments that respond to a user's individual height and other collected data.

The chair also boasts an integrated ionized air generator, an aromatherapy diffuser and built-in Bluetooth speakers for a spa-like experience.
Trend Themes
1. Next-gen Massage Technology - Opportunity for innovators to develop and market advanced massage chairs that integrate features like artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
2. Design-inspired Home Furniture - Opportunity for designers to apply automobile design elements to create sleek and functional furniture for the home.
3. Smart Home Relaxation - Opportunity for companies to create a range of smart relaxation products to help users reduce stress and promote relaxation in the home, including massage chairs and aromatherapy diffusers.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Furniture manufacturers can incorporate automobile design elements into their product offerings to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of their pieces.
2. Wellness - Wellness companies can leverage emerging technologies to create home relaxation products that promote mindfulness and stress relief.
3. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies can explore new product categories such as smart relaxation products, which integrate technology to enhance the user experience.

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