Geometric Plane Tattoos

Marie Kraus Makes Her Mark in the Inking World

Marie Kraus is a creative and original tattoo artist whose pieces are extremely memorable. Given that tattoos are permanent, it's extremely important that you are in love with the work you choose. The work must set you apart from every other person with a tattoo, and Kraus masterfully accomplishes both of these requirements.

Marie Kraus's tattoos are defined by her use of geometric planes that look like they cut up the larger picture. These planes are accentuated by black strokes which create an overall jewel-like or digitalized effect. Her designs are colorful and often include mythical influences, like one collarbone tattoo that incorporates elements of Alice in Wonderland.

Kraus works at a tattoo shop called Our Future Tattoo which is located in Brno, Czech Republic. She also is a distinguished painter.
Trend Themes
1. Geometric Plane Tattoos - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced tattooing techniques and technologies to create intricate geometric plane designs.
2. Memorable and Original Tattoos - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine innovative artistic styles and storytelling techniques to create tattoos that stand out and leave a lasting impression.
3. Mythical-inspired Tattoos - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate augmented reality or interactive elements into mythical-inspired tattoos to enhance the visual storytelling experience.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop eco-friendly and sustainable tattoo inks and materials to meet the growing demand for environmentally conscious body art.
2. Artistic Services Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative digital platforms or apps that connect tattoo artists with clients and provide virtual tattoo consultations.
3. Painting and Fine Arts Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Merge traditional painting techniques with modern tattooing methods to offer a unique hybrid art form that bridges the gap between tattooing and fine art.

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