Whimsical Baroque Editorials

The Marie Claire China January 2014 Photoshoot Stars Ali Stephens

Titled 'Charm of Rococo,' the Marie Claire China January 2014 editorial is greatly inspired by the 18th-century artistic movement and style. For those not familiar with the word 'rococo,' the term 'baroque' is a great reference point. Of course, these looks take Marie Antoinette's style to a whole other level. With a bit of a whimsical and futuristic twist, the photoshoot could easily inspire some Halloween costumes this year.

The Marie Claire China January 2014 editorial was shot by photographer Amber Gray. It stars model Ali Stephens, who was dramatically transformed with the help of makeup artist David Tibolla and hair stylist Yoichi Tomizawa who concentrated on a painted face and powdered updos. Of course, stylist Yana Kamps had a big part to play as well.
Trend Themes
1. Baroque Revival - With a recent resurgence in baroque and rococo styles, there is an opportunity for industries such as fashion and interior design to incorporate ornate and intricate patterns in their products.
2. Whimsical Make-up - The editorial's use of painted faces and powdered updos could inspire make-up brands and hair products to create more imaginative and artistic products that emphasize playful self-expression.
3. Fantasy Costumes - The futuristic twist on Marie Antoinette's style in the editorial could be an opportunity for the costume industry to create more inventive and imaginative costumes that blur historical and futuristic elements.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion designers can incorporate baroque and rococo patterns in their designs, as well as creating more fantastical and imaginative pieces that marry historical and futuristic styles.
2. Beauty - Make-up and hair product brands can create more imaginative and playful products inspired by the editorial's use of painted faces and powdered updos.
3. Costume - The editorial's futuristic take on Marie Antoinette's style could provide an opportunity for the costume industry to create more inventive and playful costumes that blend historical and futuristic elements.

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