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The 'Man Bath vs Woman Bath' Infographic is Extremely Accurate

If you share a bathroom with a spouse, partner, or roommate of the opposite sex, take a look at the 'Man Bath vs Woman Bath' Infographic. The informative photos take readers through what men and women want and don't want in their bathrooms, and how the results differ between the sexes -- the answers are surprising.

According to the Man Bath vs Woman Bath Infographic, men have an average of 6-10 personal care items, while women apparently have 437. Also, the most irritating bathroom issues for a woman are when the toilet seat is left up and toothpaste in the sink, while men can't stand when towels end up covered in makeup. Fair enough.

Now that readers are better informed, here's hoping for some peace between you and your partner in terms of bathroom issues.
Trend Themes
1. Gendered Bathroom Habits - Opportunities for gender-neutral bathroom designs and products that accommodate diverse needs.
2. Personal Care Gender Gap - Opportunities to create personal care products and marketing specifically for men to bridge the gap in personal care item usage.
3. Relationship-centered Home Design - Opportunities for interior designers to address common relationship issues with in-home solutions that accommodate individual needs.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Innovative home decor options that address gendered habits in the bathroom.
2. Personal Care - Companies that create personal care items that target men to close the gender gap in personal care item usage.
3. Interior Design - Design of shared spaces in apartments and living spaces to improve the cohabitation of people of diverse identities.

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