Malted Mocha Drinks

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Scooter's Coffee has a new Malted Mocha Latte for summer

Scooter's Coffee is giving consumers a very sweet new way to beat the heat this summer with the launch of its Malted Mocha Latte.

Unlike your average iced coffee, Scooter's Coffee's new Malted Mocha Latte is a rich and creamy latte option. The new drink combines malt flavor with mocha sauce, rich espresso, and a milk base. You can also opt for a blended version of the drink that features an ice cream base. Both versions are then topped with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate. If you're out of the summer sun, you can also enjoy a hot version of the drink.

Alongside the new Malted Mocha Latte, Scotter's Coffee has also introduced a new Sour Candy Red Bull Infusion, Blue Raspberry Red Bull Infusion, and Mini Loaf with Butterfinger.
Trend Themes
1. Summer Lattes - There is an opportunity for cafes and coffee shops to differentiate their summer menu offerings by introducing unique, creamy latte flavors like malted mocha.
2. Infused Energy Drinks - Energy drink companies should explore different flavor combinations to keep up with changing consumer tastes as seen with Scooter's Coffee's new Sour Candy and Blue Raspberry Red Bull Infusions.
3. Mini Desserts - Restaurants and cafes can offer smaller portion sizes like Scooter's Coffee's Mini Loaf with Butterfinger for customers looking for a sweet treat without overindulging.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee Shops - Coffee shops can leverage the trend of unique, creamy summer latte flavors to attract customers looking for a refreshing take on traditional coffee offerings.
2. Energy Drink - Energy drink companies should explore different flavor combinations to stay ahead of the competition and retain customers looking for more variety.
3. Bakeries - Bakeries can offer smaller portions of popular desserts like Scooter's Coffee's Mini Loaf with Butterfinger to appeal to customers who want to satisfy their sweet tooth.

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