Digital Temporary Tattoos

'Magic Tattoos' Come to Life with the Scan of Your Smart Phone

'Magic Tattoos' brings your temporary tattoo to life with the simple scan of its smart phone app. The app is free with every pack of stick-on tattoos and allows you to see your mythical creature come to life.

The brand claims, "Magic Tattoos combine tattoo designs with augmented reality to create an awesome 3D experience." Who wouldn't want a 3D tattoo when it comes with options like dancing ponies and singing kitties? One pack of Magic Tattoos gives you 24 opportunities to experience your temporary tattoo. With the smart phone app you can also share with your new digital creature with your friends. Each different design has its own unique animation and sound effects making the tattoos seem even more realistic. There are two separate packs which are dedicated to girls and boys.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Tattoos - There is an opportunity to enhance the temporary tattoo experience by incorporating augmented reality technology.
2. Personalized Digital Tattoos - The ability to customize digital temporary tattoos provides a unique opportunity for self-expression and creativity.
3. Social Sharing of Digital Tattoos - The integration of social media sharing capabilities with digital tattoos creates opportunities for viral content and brand engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - The adoption of digital temporary tattoos can attract new customers and expand the market for the tattoo industry.
2. Entertainment Industry - Collaborations between digital tattoo brands and entertainment companies can create immersive experiences for fans and generate new revenue streams.
3. E-commerce Industry - Digital tattoo brands can tap into the e-commerce industry by offering online platforms for customization and purchase of digital tattoos.

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