Intimate Israeli Soldier Photography

This Series Shows the Bedrooms of Young Israeli Fighters

It’s not the norm to see machine guns casually leaning on vibrant youthful bedroom walls, except in the case of these young Israeli fighters as is seen in British photographer Japer White’s new photography series ‘Young Guns.’

The ‘Young Guns’ series shows us the bedrooms of young Israeli fighters (as they’re called)—men and women are required to enter the military when they turn 18. During their three years of service, the youth are issued machine guns that they literally have to keep with them at all times, hence the bedroom snaps. 

"All ‘fighters’, as they are commonly referred to, are issued with guns which they have to keep with them at all times – the rationale being it shows the enemy you are always ready to defend," says White. 
Trend Themes
1. Youth Militarization - The trend of young people being required to enter the military at a certain age, resulting in unique perspectives and lifestyle choices.
2. Intimate Spaces - The trend of showcasing personal and private spaces in artistic projects, providing a glimpse into individuals' lives.
3. Visual Storytelling - The trend of using photography to tell compelling stories and capture unique narratives.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - There are opportunities for photographers to explore and document unusual and thought-provoking subjects.
2. Military and Defense - The military and defense industry may discover innovative ways to address the challenges and needs of youth in the armed forces.
3. Art and Design - Artists and designers can find inspiration in showcasing intimate spaces and exploring the intersection of personal narratives and public perception.

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