Sweetly Melting Lamps

The Lumière Au Chocolate by Alexander Lervik Looks Like a Piece of Tobl

The Lumière au Chocolate may get people salivating even before they learn that it is made out of real chocolate and not just designed to look as though it were. Intriguingly, it probably looks more like an oversized piece of Toblerone than a light fixture. When first turned on, it doesn't emit any light. But as the designer, Alexander Lervik, states, the Lumière au Chocolate mimics "light spreading along the horizon at sunrise. The heat from the lamp causes the chocolate to begin melting, and it takes several minutes for the first rays of light to penetrate."

Part of Lervik 100 collection and currently being presented at Galleri Kleerup in Stockholm, Sweden, the Lumière au Chocolate was manufactured by Scandinavian LED specialists SAAS Instruments.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Design - Incorporating edible materials into design aesthetics presents innovative opportunities for novelty and sensory experiences.
2. Interactive Lighting - Light fixtures that respond to heat or other external stimuli provide unique and engaging experiences for users.
3. Food-inspired Art - Blurring the lines between food and art, creations like the Lumière au Chocolate merge culinary delights with aesthetic expression.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The integration of edible materials in product design and innovation can revolutionize packaging and presentation in the food and beverage industry.
2. Home Decor - Interactive lighting fixtures like the Lumière au Chocolate open up new possibilities for creative and functional lighting solutions in the home decor industry.
3. Art and Design - Food-inspired art installations, such as the Lumière au Chocolate, can challenge traditional definitions of art and spark innovative collaborations within the art and design industry.

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