Sleek Absinthe Sets

Lucid Fountain Lets You Taste the Green Fairy Efficiently

Lucid, the brand responsible for lifting the ban on absinthe in 2007, has released this slick absinthe fountain to let you indulge in the Green Fairy in the most expedient manner possible.

These multi-spouted Lucid absinthe fountains send forth a tiny stream of liquid right onto your slotted spoon and sugar cube. While the fountains are probably meant for a bar or pub, I think they'd look equally fantastic in your kitchen.

Implications - It would certainly earn you the unofficial 'craziest alcohol encouraging household addition' contest amongst your friends. Absinthe is the strongest type of alcohol any of my friends have ever drank, and the idea of someone putting something in their house that would make it easier to drink it blows me away and amusing me to no end.
Trend Themes
1. Efficient Absinthe Consumption - The Lucid absinthe fountain allows for expedient and precise absinthe consumption, creating an opportunity for innovative drinking experiences.
2. Sleek Bar Accessories - The use of stylish absinthe fountains like those from Lucid opens up possibilities for disruptive innovation in the bar accessory industry.
3. Emerging Absinthe Culture - The rising popularity of absinthe consumption and the introduction of modern absinthe fountains point to an emerging subculture, providing opportunities for unique experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol Manufacturing - Absinthe producers like Lucid can explore innovative production methods and packaging designs to cater to the emerging absinthe market.
2. Bar and Pub Industry - The introduction of efficient absinthe fountains creates a disruptive opportunity for bars and pubs to enhance the drinking experience and attract customers.
3. Home Bar Accessories - The trend of absinthe consumption at home creates a market for innovative and visually appealing home bar accessories, including absinthe fountains.

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