LGBTQ-Supporting Lattes

Juice Society's 'Love Latte' Celebrates the LGBTQ Community in Texas

In celebration of Pride Month and the local LGBTQ community in Texas, Austin-based Juice Society added the 'Love Latte' to its menu.

The vibrant, rainbow-colored beverage is tinted by a range of boldly hued superfood ingredients, including everything from matcha green tea powder to blue-green algae and maqui berries. With the purchase of each Love Latte, Juice Society is donating a dollar to the Equality Texas organization, which is on a mission to end discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

In recent months, dazzling multi-colored food and beverage products—like the photogenic Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino—have seen a surge in popularity, which will only help to increase the appeal of the superfood Love Latte and hopefully see it shared generously on social media.
Trend Themes
1. Rainbow Food - Develop rainbow-colored products with superfood ingredients such as matcha green tea powder, blue-green algae, and maqui berries to celebrate Pride Month or other colorful events.
2. Charitable Beverages - Create beverages that are associated with a specific charitable cause where a portion of the proceeds from each product's purchase will be donated to supporting an organization aligned with the cause.
3. Social Media-friendly Food - Design visually appealing food and drink items with vibrant colors and unique ingredients to entice social media sharing and customer engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Beverage companies can develop rainbow-colored products for a good cause and promote them through social media platforms.
2. Superfood - Superfood companies can incorporate colorful superfoods into their products to create a unique and visually appealing item while supporting a charitable cause.
3. Nonprofit - Nonprofit organizations can partner with companies to sell products associated with their cause and generate revenue to support their mission.

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