Functional Open Air Houses

The 'Long An House' Utilizes Wind Directions in its Design Style

Vietnam-based Tropical Space architects created the 'Long An House,' with a traditional design spread over three separate spaces.

The house uses ventilation efficiency by dividing the roof into two pieces with a courtyard in the middle, allowing the breeze to hit every room at all parts of the day. The hallow clay bricks used in the structure can absorb rain, while reducing heat in the flooring. With an open concept layout, the house has a loft-life feel, with exposed wooden beams and large two-storey ceilings.

The pool in the center courtyard acts as a modern art piece, while still providing tenants with a natural cooling system in the hottest seasons. The luxurious, resort looking design of the Long An House is paired with extreme functional features.
Trend Themes
1. Efficient Ventilation Design - Architects can explore innovative ways to design buildings that maximize ventilation and natural airflow, thereby reducing energy consumption costs.
2. Open-concept Layout - Designers can introduce open-concept layouts and loft-style feel into traditional homes and structures to create modern living spaces.
3. Functional Courtyard - Incorporating functional courtyards and pools into building designs can help reduce energy costs and also act as an art piece for homeowners.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects and designers can explore incorporating functional and ventilated courtyards in building designs.
2. Construction - Construction firms can promote the use of hollow clay bricks in building designs for their efficient cooling properties.
3. Real Estate - Real estate developers can market properties with an open concept layout and functional courtyard or pool as premium and sustainable living spaces.

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