Coastal Charity-Supporting Beers

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This Light-Bodied Ale is Generating Funds For Coastal Causes

The Anderson Valley Brewing Company has teamed up with the Surfrider Foundation, a non-profit environmental organization, to brew a deliciously light-bodied ale that doesn't merely offer a satisfying drinking experience but also supports the important cause of coastal sustainability.

The 'Coastal Ale' is a light-bodied ale that makes use of Citra, Mosaic and Eukuanot hops and relies on pilsner and wheat malts. The brew offers hints of tropical fruit followed by a crisply satisfying finish. This beer comes in at 4.5 percent ABV, but the more important percentage here is the 5 percent of gross profits that the Anderson Valley Brewing Company has committed to donate to the Surfrider Foundation.

The Anderson Valley Brewing Company has already solidified its own eco-friendly credentials thanks to its status as the world's first solar-powered brewery, which is why the brewery's move to partner up with an environmental non-profit organization is a laudable yet unsurprising move.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainability-supporting Beers - Collaborating with non-profit organizations to brew environmentally-friendly beers and donating part of the proceeds to a related cause.
2. Eco-friendly Craft Beer - Creating beer using green energy and eco-friendly brewing processes and materials.
3. Cause-based Beverage - Producing beverages with a clear association to a particular cause or charity with part of the profits going towards the related cause.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Beer - Breweries with a commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices that donate to environmental causes.
2. Non-profit Organizations - Partnering with breweries to fundraise and promote environmental awareness using craft beer collaborations.
3. Sustainability Consulting - Assisting breweries in becoming more socially responsible and eco-friendly to partner up with a relevant non-profit organization to increase social impact and create cause-based beverages.

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