Bacterial Art Installations

Anicka Yi's 'Life Is Cheap' Exhibit is Made from Living Bacteria

Art is almost always a form of death — even so-called still life paintings depict things that aren't alive themselves — yet Anicka Yi's 'Life Is Cheap' exhibit subverts such a concept to offer truly vivacious works. Yi's exhibit, which is on display at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, is made entirely from still-living material such as bacteria.

'Life Is Cheap' is both visual and olfactory. The exhibit is intentionally smelly, as Yi worked with forensic scientists and Parisian perfumers to amplify the scents from her biological samples (samples that derive from sources as diverse as a flower or an armpit.) She then works with biologists to encase and sustain the live bacteria that create these smells in plexiglass, letting spectators see what they can smell.
Trend Themes
1. Living Art Installations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the integration of living organisms in art installations to create truly unique and interactive experiences.
2. Collaboration Between Art and Science - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Foster collaborations between artists and scientists to push the boundaries of art and explore new ways of engaging the senses.
3. Sensory-based Exhibitions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop sensory-based exhibitions that immerse viewers in a multi-dimensional experience, combining visual and olfactory elements.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate biological components into traditional art forms, opening up new avenues for artistic expression.
2. Science and Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Merge scientific advancements with artistic creations to create innovative installations and experiences.
3. Perfume and Fragrance - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with artists to create unique scents and fragrances that enhance artistic experiences and engage multiple senses.

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