Mod Dysmorphic Mirrors

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L'Ideal Du Moi Deconstructs Your View to Offer a Piece by Piece Perspective

The way in which the l'idéal du moi mirror has been designed certainly provokes thought about the action and impression of self-reflection. When a person observes his own image, he is often inclined to look at only one part of his face or body at a time, fostering a tendency to scrutinize.

When Pool created this peculiar looking glass, the idea was to explore and possibly recreate the experience of a person perceiving himself visually as if it is the very first time. The mirror is has a multifaceted surface of angled sections that make it impossible to take in your figure in a completely coherent way. L'idéal du moi nurtures a curiosity that comes with the fragmented representation of yourself.
Trend Themes
1. Fragmented Self-reflection - Design products that deconstruct the traditional view of self-reflection to promote a multifaceted, curiosity-fueled perspective.
2. Curiosity-driven Design - Design mirrors and other products that encourage interest to view oneself from different angles, in ways that are not normally experienced.
3. Interactive Mirrors - Create mirrors that become an experience for the user - with designs that provokes thought about the action and impression of self-reflection.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Produce mirrors that go beyond their function and promote deeper introspection and curiosity within one's space.
2. Personal Care - Incorporate multifaceted mirrors and new technology into personal care - bringing about an innovative experience in wellness routines.
3. Retail - Include interactive mirrors in dressing rooms to enhance the customer shopping experience with a curiosity-inducing design.

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