Uber Geek Biopics

Leonardo DiCaprio as Atari Founder

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio is set to play Atari super nerd Nolan Bushnell in an upcoming biopic produced by DiCaprio's Appian Way production company.

Born in 1943, the gaming innovator founded Atari in 1972 which led to the creation of the hit game Pong. Bushnell sold Atari to Warner Communications for $28 million and founded Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza-Time Theaters chain in 1977.

Although he does not come close to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates' status in the geek world, Bushnell was named one of Newsweek's “50 Men That Changed America" and is bound to add some cool points after this movie.
Trend Themes
1. Tech Biopics - The rise of biopics about tech pioneers presents an opportunity to bring lesser-known innovators to the forefront.
2. Entrepreneurial Film Production - More entrepreneurs like Leonardo DiCaprio are investing in film production, leading to a wider variety of stories being told on screen.
3. Gaming Industry History - There is potential for exploring the history of gaming through biopics and documentaries, which could attract wider audiences and further interest in the industry.
Industry Implications
1. Film Production - Entrepreneurs investing in film production presents a disruptive innovation opportunity to challenge the traditional Hollywood model.
2. Gaming Industry - The rise of biopics about gaming pioneers presents opportunities to increase interest and awareness of the industry, potentially leading to new innovations and partnerships.
3. Entertainment Industry - The trend of tech biopics highlights opportunities for the entertainment industry to explore new and niche subjects, potentially appealing to wider audiences.

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