Figurine Leg Braces

Shishka Bob Design Doll Injury Braces Help Children Feel More Normalized

Shishka Bob Design is the creative behind the Doll Leg Braces that are designed to fit small figurines and playthings belonging to children. The braces are developed to look and function just like casts that would be applied to the human body, as a way to encourage children to feel comfortable with having injuries. Kids going through rehabilitation can adorn their favorite playthings with the same brace so that they feel less alienated by their injury.

The braces are designed to fit small plastic legs belonging to Barbie dolls and similar sized toys. The casts are built using plastic with stretchable material bandages that slip over plastic feet. To accommodate many dolls that have arched feet, the casts feature a imbedded slant so that the doll becomes flat-footed when adorning the cast.
Trend Themes
1. Toy Rehabilitation Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to create products that help normalize and encourage rehabilitation in children through their toys.
2. Figurine Medical Devices - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to create toy medical devices that help children understand and be comfortable with real-life medical procedures.
3. Adaptive Playthings - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to create toys and figurines that cater to children with special needs, such as the Shishka Bob Design Doll Leg Braces.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity for toy manufacturers to create accessories that encourage rehabilitation and normalize injury for children using playthings.
2. Medical Device Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity for medical device manufacturers to create toy medical devices that help children understand and be comfortable with real-life medical procedures.
3. Special Needs Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity for companies to create products that cater to children with special needs, such as Shishka Bob Design's Barbie doll leg braces.

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