Iconic Superstar Shades

Lawrence & Mayo's Print Campaign Capitalizes on Popular Icons

Glasses company Lawrence & Mayo recently launched a print campaign that utilizes the highly recognizable spectacles of the greats like John Lennon, Bono and the Terminator.

The ads detail the highlights of these celebrities’ careers, but strangely it’s the glasses that stand out in these mini bios. So the tagline reads, "Lawrence & Mayo. Your glasses are you."

I find this ad campaign pretty effective, except for one thing -- I don’t need glasses so I can’t be a part of this ideology.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity-endorsed Eyewear - Opportunities for eyewear companies to partner with iconic figures and capitalize on popular culture to sharpen brand appeal.
2. Personality-infused Marketing - Opportunities for brands to step away from traditional advertising and inject personality into their campaigns to create a lasting impression on consumers.
3. Optical Fashion Statements - Opportunities for the eyewear industry to view glasses as a fashion statement, rather than just a functional necessity.
Industry Implications
1. Eyewear - The eyewear industry can leverage celebrity endorsements to drive sales and increase brand appeal.
2. Advertising - There is a growing trend in the advertising industry to focus on personality-infused marketing campaigns to create lasting impressions on consumers.
3. Fashion - The glasses themselves can be viewed as a fashion statement, offering opportunities for the fashion industry to collaborate with eyewear brands.

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