Beautifying Nighttime Lattes

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Vital Proteins' Latte Mix is Full of Ingredients to Support Rest

Vital Proteins offers many different collagen latte mixes but the new Blueberry Moon Milk Collagen Latte stands out as a soothing functional beverage that's made to be consumed in the evening. A single serving contains 10 grams of bone broth collagen, plus tons of soothing ingredients like organic ashwagandha root extract, magnesium, GABA and sleep- inspiring melatonin. The design of the product packaging emphasizes the latte mix as one for nighttime by incorporating deep purple color that resembles a dark sky, plus moon and star icons.

The creamy, blueberry-flavored latte can be prepared by adding a scoop to hot water, milk or a milk alternative of choice. As the latte is packed with collagen protein, it helps to support healthy skin, hair and nails, as well as bones and joints.
Trend Themes
1. Nighttime Functional Beverages - There is an opportunity to create functional beverages with ingredients aimed at promoting rest and relaxation, such as melatonin and calming ingredients like GABA and ashwagandha root extract. This can be extended to other types of nighttime beverages as well, like teas and hot chocolates.
2. Collagen-infused Beverages - Collagen can be added to a variety of beverages like lattes, smoothies and juices to promote healthy skin, hair and nails, as well as bone and joint health. There is an opportunity to create more innovative collagen-infused beverages with unique flavor profiles.
3. Functional Packaging Design - There is an opportunity to create packaging designs that better communicate the functional benefits of a product beyond just the label. Using colors and imagery to evoke emotion and promote a desired mood can create brand differentiation and added value for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The beverage industry has an opportunity to develop more functional nighttime drinks with added health benefits, such as collagen, melatonin, GABA and ashwagandha root extract.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The health and wellness industry has an opportunity to expand the use of collagen supplementation in a wider range of products, such as beverages, snacks and supplements.
3. Packaging Industry - The packaging industry has an opportunity to create innovative designs that communicate the functional benefits of a product and help products stand out on store shelves.

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