Pixelated Tracking Devices

LaMetric Displays Information with Connection to an RSS Feed

LaMetric is a new concept of smart display that, when connected to an RSS feed, can show everything from Facebook fans to the weather. The clear display makes it noticeable to most people walking by, so having a businesses' FB fan number on display could encourage customers to add to that number since it's so apparent.

Apparently according to the developers, the Nike FuelBand served as a base for the design, as they used the interface and sleek look to come up with the final product for LaMetric. While it doesn't look like the FuelBand in shape, the darker coloring and screen is similar. Although the pixels make it resemble an old-school gaming system, they are very clear to read, which is ideal for ensuring customers see certain information. Photo Credits: designboom, lametric
Trend Themes
1. Smart Displays - The LaMetric smart display offers innovative ways to showcase information, such as Facebook fans and weather, to attract and engage customers.
2. Connected RSS Feeds - The integration of LaMetric with RSS feeds allows businesses to easily display real-time information, encouraging customer interaction and engagement.
3. Pixelated Aesthetic - The pixelated design of LaMetric provides a nostalgic and eye-catching visual appeal, making it stand out from traditional displays and potentially captivating customers.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - The LaMetric smart display can revolutionize marketing campaigns by prominently featuring real-time data, such as social media metrics and weather updates, to attract and retain customers.
2. Retail - Retailers can leverage the LaMetric smart display to showcase real-time sales data, inventory information, and customer reviews, providing a dynamic and interactive shopping experience.
3. Technology - The development of smart displays like LaMetric opens up opportunities for further innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT) sector, enabling the seamless integration of real-time data into various devices and applications.

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