Mail Order Snowman

Kitty snowman Delivered To Your Door

About 4,800 yen ($40), This cute snowman, "Snow Kitty" will be yours. This is an ultimate gift for kids who have never chance to play with snow in Japan. Snow Kitty is made from snow in Hokkaido (Japan's northern island). You can pay online or bank transfer and it will be delivered right to your door. Kitty snowman is packed in the plastic mold and delivered in a refrigerated delivery pack. When it arrives, you just open it and have fun with the decorations included in the package. You can decorate the frozen kitty by sticking 2 eyes, 1 nose, and 6 whiskers on Kitty's face.
Trend Themes
1. Direct-to-consumer Snow Sculptures - Delivery of pre-made snow sculptures could become an innovative gift option in areas without easy access to snow in the winter months.
2. Customizable DIY Snow Sculptures - Kits for creating your own snow sculptures could become a popular winter hobby for families and hobbyists, leading to opportunities for increased sales of snow-making equipment and supplies.
3. Novelty Snow Sculpture Market - Creating unique and quirky snow sculptures for delivery could become a new niche market for seasonal businesses.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Recreation and Sporting Goods - The demand for snow-making equipment and supplies could increase as more people look to make their own snow sculptures at home.
2. Logistics and Delivery Services - Entrepreneurs could tap into the market for delivering snow sculptures and other seasonal items to remote areas, using refrigerated delivery packs to ensure the product arrives in good condition.
3. E-commerce and Online Retail - As more people opt for convenient at-home gift options, online retailers could expand their offerings to include seasonal novelty items like pre-made snow sculptures and snow sculpting kits.

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