Chocolate Wafer Train Tickets

Tourism-Promoting KitKat Tickets Allow Passengers to Pay for Transit

While many retailers offer programs where you can return empty packaging to receive deals or free merchandise, Nestle is doing things a little differently with their KitKat tickets. In Northern Japan, people can now pay for the train using KitKat chocolate bar wrappers.

This interactive initiative is part of Nestle's efforts to increase tourism in the Sanriku area, which was devastated by the 2011 tsunami and earthquake. Nestle teamed up with the Sanriku rail company to offer special discounted KitKats that are less expensive than standard train tickets. The KitKat tickets will be launched this month and will be valid until May 2015.

In addition to this unusual payment method, two train cars and two train stations will be decorated with pink cherry blossom paintings to symbolize hope.
Trend Themes
1. Packaging Recycling Programs - Companies can create more interactive recycling programs that offer unique incentives to encourage customers to recycle their empty packaging.
2. Food-based Payment Methods - Businesses can explore food-based payment methods to promote a unique customer experience and stand out from competitors.
3. Tourism Promotion Partnerships - Companies can partner with local tourism organizations to promote travel to areas that are recovering from natural disasters through innovative campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods - CPG companies can offer unique incentives and experiences to customers for recycling empty packaging while promoting their brand.
2. Transportation - The transportation industry can explore food-based payment methods to offer a unique customer experience and promote more sustainable travel options.
3. Tourism - Tourism organizations can partner with companies to develop innovative campaigns that promote tourism to areas recovering from natural disasters and offer sustainable travel options.

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