Bedazzled Smooch Rings

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The Kiss Me Crystal Ring Will Make You Pucker Up

The Kiss Me Crystal ring is a gold ring that features beautiful iridescent crystals in the shape of pouty, ruby red lips. This ring is absolutely adorable as well as cheeky--you can have so much with it!

You can now pretend to be royalty or someone of global importance by telling friends to ‘kiss your ring.’ Aside from annoying your friends with that phrase, you can also avoid awkward kiss moments. Instead of using your lips, you have the Kiss Me Crystal ring as a substitute whenever you feel it necessary. What a multi-functional piece of jewelry!
Trend Themes
1. Crystal Jewelry - Disruptive innovation opportunities in crystal jewelry include incorporating advanced technology, such as LED lights, to create interactive and customizable designs.
2. Novelty Rings - There is potential for disruptive innovation in the novelty ring industry by creating unique designs that appeal to specific niche markets, such as pop culture references or customizable features.
3. Functional Accessories - The trend of functional accessories opens up disruptive innovation opportunities, such as integrating technology, like NFC chips, into jewelry to provide additional functionalities, such as contactless payments.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - The jewelry industry can explore disruptive innovation by collaborating with artists and designers to create unique and unconventional pieces that challenge traditional notions of jewelry aesthetics.
2. Fashion - In the fashion industry, there is potential for disruptive innovation by incorporating jewelry accessories into clothing designs, creating interactive and versatile fashion pieces.
3. Gifts and Souvenirs - The gifts and souvenirs industry can embrace disruptive innovation by offering personalized and customizable crystal jewelry as unique and memorable gift options.

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