Chivalrous Zombie Art

Kira Shaimanova's 'Chivalry is Undead' Depicts a Wonderful World

Canadian artist Kira Shaimanova's 'Chivalry is Undead' collection of art shows us a world of well-mannered zombies. Playing on the phrase, 'Chivalry is Dead,' she brings it back to life by giving life to the deceased gentlemen.

Her artwork depicts many zombified men doing random and chivalrous acts of kindness. From tackling down a mugger to mopping the floor with the stringy hair from their own head, the range of chivalrous acts span from the golden days of courtliness to modern day ideals. You can view more of Kira Shaimanova's awesome artwork to the links to your left.
Trend Themes
1. Chivalry-undead Art - Creating art that combines unexpected or opposing concepts, such as chivalry and zombies, can generate interest and intrigue.
2. Classical Ideals in Modern Trends - Reflecting age-old traditions in a modern context can produce novelty products that offer something new and refreshing.
3. Re-imagining Common Phrases - Giving new life to old expressions through creative reinterpretation can add value and interest to existing ideas.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Innovative art and design that pushes boundaries could be used in advertising, branding, or other creative marketing campaigns.
2. Entertainment - Films, television shows, and online content could draw inspiration from these unexpected and unique artistic expressions.
3. Fashion - From avant-garde runway fashion to commercial apparel, this trend could inspire exciting new clothing lines or themed accessories.

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