Kernel-Free Popcorn Snacks

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Papa's Pops Skinless Popcorn is Fluffy, Crunchy and Craveable

Papa's Pops Skinless Popcorn is a kernel-free popcorn treat that puts a new twist on a classic snack. Thanks to an innovative popping process, the brand removes all of the hulls to create completely skinless popcorn that won't get stuck in teeth or gums. Traditionally, the kernel is heated until it explodes but this brand's workaround creates a totally new way to enjoy popcorn without the "skin," or hull.

The brand's popcorn snacks can be found in beloved varieties like Sweet & Salty, Sweet Cinnamon, White Cheddar and Smokin' BBQ, as well as other fun favorites like Creamy Ranch and Honey Mustard & Onion.

These gluten-free, nut-free and non-GMO snacks do away with preservatives, trans fats and cholesterol. Additionally, several of the flavors from the brand are suitable for vegan consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Kernel-free Snacks - Creating kernel-free snacks for a more enjoyable snacking experience.
2. Innovative Popping Process - Innovating the popping process to create new snack options with unique textures.
3. All-natural Ingredients - Introducing all-natural ingredients to classic snacks with popular flavors.
Industry Implications
1. Snacks - Disrupting the snack industry with a new way to enjoy classic popcorn flavors.
2. Food Manufacturing - Revolutionizing the traditional popcorn manufacturing process to create new options for snacks.
3. Health and Wellness - Providing health-conscious snack options with all-natural ingredients and no preservatives.

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