Breakfast-Promoting Olympic Ads

Kellogg 'Swimmer' Commercial Focuses on the Start of Each Day

The Kellogg 'Swimmer' commercial is the beginning of what marks the cereal brand's biggest Olympic ad campaign ever. The first spot in the extensive campaign, which features eight athletes and sports commentator and gold medalist Summer Sanders, is all about how we tend to focus on the end of sports games and matches when we should really be focusing on the beginning -- because without a great start there can be no finish.

The ad showcases swimmer Rebecca Soni, who has won three Olympic medals, and takes the viewer through a swim competition with the voiceover asking things like, "Why does the finish get all the glory? Is the win all that matters?" The end of the spot finishes by 'rewinding' the competition, culminating with the words, "For us, there's no finish without the most important part of the day... the start. Kellogg's." As Brand Channel points out, the Kellogg 'Swimmer' spot "celebrates the start for all the potential it embodies."
Trend Themes
1. Start-focused Campaigns - Opportunities to create advertising campaigns that emphasize the importance of a strong start.
2. Reversing Narratives - A trend of rewinding and highlighting the beginning rather than the end in various forms of storytelling and advertising.
3. Emphasizing Potential - A trend of celebrating the potential and possibilities that the start of a journey holds.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities for advertising agencies to develop creative campaigns that prioritize the start over the finish.
2. Sports - Opportunities for sports brands and organizations to emphasize the significance of a strong start in athletic competitions.
3. Cereal - Opportunities for cereal brands to position themselves as the essential start to a successful day.

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