Creativity-Boosting Tips

This Infographic Offers a Strategy to Jumpstart Your Creativity

Created by work management platform Wrike, this infographic offers helpful tips on how you can jumpstart your creativity. Called 'Five Unique Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity,' the chart will come in handy when you need a strategy beyond thinking outside of the box. Boosting creative juices is about dedication, inspiration and often, patience too.

The five steps form an acronym -- BUILD. Be bored by unplugging, daydreaming, sitting and thinking. Unwind with a drink, but not too many. Inspire with color by looking outside, at motivational images or specific hues. Listening to music and different styles can trigger new emotions or old memories. Drawing on paper and doodling ideas can also spark new ideas and maybe even unleash an untapped talent.
Trend Themes
1. Creativity-boosting Strategy - Opportunities for companies to create new products and services that offer innovative solutions for professionals struggling with creativity.
2. Inspiration Through Color - Potential for industries to incorporate color psychology in their products or services in order to enhance productivity and boost creativity.
3. Unplugging and Boredom as a Tool - Opportunities for businesses to create tools that promote unplugging and mindfulness as a way to encourage creativity and productivity.
Industry Implications
1. Work Management Platforms - The potential for work management platforms to integrate features that promote creativity and boost productivity.
2. Beverage Industry - Opportunities for the beverage industry to create products that enhance productivity and creativity through the incorporation of ingredients that have been shown to enhance cognitive function.
3. Art Supplies Industry - Potential for the art supplies industry to create products geared towards professionals seeking to enhance creativity, such as coloring books designed for adults.

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