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World Unifying Rappers

Italian Celebrity Introduces Jovanotti Rap to Italy and the World

Italian pop star Lorenzo Cherubini manifests his musical influences into new age Jovanotti rap.

Lorenzo Cherubini a.k.a. Jovanotti is a living ball of creativity. He promotes positive energy and utilizes social media to perpetuate his fame. The singer has more Twitter followers than the Pope. His power to reach the people is much greater and his messages are sincere and hopeful. Lorenzo does not believe in sticking to one thing, but encouraging the fusion of different cultures and musical styles to create a forum where old and new can collide harmoniously.

In the interview from BBC News Lorenzo expresses his popularity in Europe, his unknown nature in America and his desire to break through to the other side. Jovanotti rap is meant to unite people, add him to twitter @lorenzojova and perpetuate the positivity.

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