Habitable Art Galleries

The Jones Studio Logan Residence Fuses Living with Design

The Jones Studio Logan Residence takes the beauty of an art gallery while still allowing the space to be a livable accommodation. As Kent Logan claimed when designing the residence, "I want a place for my art collection -- then I want to live there."

The art gallery home is situated in Scottsdale, Arizona and is surrounded by a dominating rustic, desert landscape. This allows the house to blend inconspicuously with its surroundings aided by the natural, earthy tones used for the design. Whether one is a fan of art or architecture, the Jones Studio Logan Residence is sure to impress.

Implications - With the economy still slowly recovering from the credit crunch, consumers are looking for financially-savvy ways to spend their cash. Making dual-purpose products allows for customers to feel at ease when making a purchase, as this provides a sense of security when spending money for the more cash-conscious consumer.
Trend Themes
1. Habitable Art Galleries - The trend of combining art galleries with livable accommodations provides a unique and immersive experience for art enthusiasts while addressing the need for multi-purpose spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The interior design industry has the opportunity to create innovative spaces that seamlessly integrate art galleries with livable accommodations.
2. Real Estate - Real estate developers can capitalize on the trend by designing and marketing properties that cater to art enthusiasts, offering a unique selling point.
3. Art Collection Management - The art collection management industry can provide services that assist in curating and displaying art in livable spaces, meeting the demand for integrated art experiences.

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