Cosmic Comic Paintings

John Wentz Pairs Superheroes & Astronomy in This Nostalgic Art Series

These John Wentz paintings combine several geek interests into masterpiece compositions. Drawing from astronomy and retro comic books, the contemporary realist artist is currently working on a collection that prominently features celestial bodies paired with human subjects and superheroes. Though Wentz renders the planets and people true to life, he’s opted to retain each famous crime fighters’ original look, contrasting realistic visuals with extremely cartoony ones. This pairing somehow works and creates images that are nostalgic yet contemporary and ultimately satisfying to the eyes.

John Wentz explains that his work is heavily influenced by the writings of Carl Jung. Through his various artistic endeavors, he hopes to explore how hero archetypes, especially ones from comic books, affect the human experience. Placing vintage superheroes beside his subjects is supposed to invoke dialogue about these characters’ power on children then and adults now.
Trend Themes
1. Geek Art - Opportunity for artists to combine multiple geek interests into unique and nostalgic compositions.
2. Astro Pop Culture - Emerging trend of blending astronomy and popular culture influences, creating visually compelling art.
3. Contemporary Realism - Growing trend of artists using realistic techniques to depict fantastical and fictional subjects, bridging the gap between reality and imagination.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists specializing in geek-themed art can tap into the demand for nostalgic and visually captivating pieces.
2. Pop Culture - Opportunity for brands to collaborate with artists who combine popular culture and astronomical elements to create unique and engaging content or products.
3. Comic Books - Potential for comic book artists and writers to explore the impact of superheroes and hero archetypes on human experiences, sparking valuable discussions on power and identity.

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