Serene City Reflection Photography

Joanna Lemanska Captured the City of Paris Through Reflections

Joanna Lemanska is a photographer with a keen eye for the beauty that is created out of reflections. This series of photos have all been captured in Paris, a city that is apparently capable of looking even more gorgeous when captured within reflections.

Joanna explains her process of photographing reflections as follows: "First thing that I do when a see a potentially interesting reflective surface, like puddle, window, floor, is to look around and see if there is anything interesting enough that would reflect."

Thus she does not merely scout for reflections but rather makes a selective and conscious effort in creating a composition that would become meaningful. Reflection photography communicates the weather to the viewer through the clarity of the water, whereby adding a new dimension to the image.
Trend Themes
1. Reflection Photography - Exploring innovative techniques in capturing reflections in photography opens up opportunities for new and captivating visual experiences.
2. Selective Composition - Consciously selecting and arranging elements in a photograph that can be reflected creates a unique and meaningful composition.
3. Weather Communication - Using reflection photography to communicate weather conditions through the clarity of water adds depth and dimension to the image.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can embrace and explore reflection photography techniques to offer new and creative services to clients.
2. Interior Design - Incorporating reflection photography in interior design projects can create visually stunning and dynamic spaces.
3. Tourism - The tourism industry can leverage reflection photography to showcase destinations from unique and captivating perspectives, attracting more visitors.

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