Extreme Tardiness Prevention

Japanese Commuters Shoved Into Trains

The commuter culture in Japan adds a whole new dimension to the phrase work ethic. For the unfortunate masses that must take public transportation during rush hour to get to work, dutiful commuters and station attendants find a creative way to cram everyone on the platform into the train--pushing them right in like sardines.

This obsession with being on time makes Japan a less-than-ideal place to work for certain personalities. The chronically late, for example. Or people who are concerned with their personal space. Or people who don't like being pushed by strangers into a commuter train. Watch the video and you'll see what I mean.
Trend Themes
1. Extreme Tardiness Prevention - Opportunity to develop innovative solutions that address extreme tardiness and improve punctuality in crowded commuter environments.
2. Efficient Public Transportation - Potential for disruption in the public transportation sector by designing more efficient ways to accommodate commuters during rush hours.
3. Personal Space Protection - Opportunity to create products or services that prioritize personal space and minimize physical contact in crowded public spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - Developing disruptive solutions for improving efficiency and comfort in public transportation systems.
2. Technology - Creating innovative technologies and applications to help optimize and manage commuter flow in crowded areas.
3. Design - Designing products and spaces that prioritize user experience and provide solutions for managing personal space in crowded environments.

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