International Twitter Touchstones

Japanese New Year's 2011 Tweets Topped the Global Record

Believe it or not, within minutes of midnight, Japanese New Year's 2011 tweets hit an outrageous 6,939 tweets per second. Never has such an exorbitant rate of tweeting ever occurred anywhere in the world before, making the Japan one of Twitter's most enthusiastic nations.

The previous Twitter short-term volume record also went to Japan; its population of 127 million reached an incredible 3,283 tweets per second when they beat Denmark in the World Cup. May there be more fail-whale-worthy moments like these to come.

Visit the Twitter Blog to watch a video visualization of New Year's Eve 2010 Tweet data.

Photo Credits: Graphic Mania
Trend Themes
1. Global Twitter Records - Create tools that help people find and understand Twitter's most significant global moments in real-time.
2. Real-time Event Monitoring - Build platforms that enable real-time monitoring of world events while collecting data on social media trends.
3. International Social Media Habits - Conduct research and surveys on social media habits in different nations and use the data to improve marketing strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Management - Provide Social Media Management services with a focus on real-time monitoring of events to identify trends and maximize engagement opportunities.
2. Market Research - Offer Market Research services that include data on global Twitter trends that help companies understand international market trends.
3. Event Planning - Employ data analysis of social media habits and trends to improve event planning strategies that result in stronger engagement and greater visibility.

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