Computer Pick-Up Lines

Janelle Shane Trained a Neural Network to Think Up Romantic One-Liners

The words 'intelligent' and 'pick-up lines' aren't often used in relation to one another, but research scientist Janelle Shane has found a way to meaningfully combine the two by creating a set of pick-up lines invented by an artificially intelligent neural network. As with any neural network training, Shane gathered a data set (in this case, a collection of cheesy pick-up lines) and fed them into the computer.

Since Shane's pick-up line generator is certainly something of a side project, the lines generated were far from the carefully crafted jokes that a human might come up with. Indeed, some of them were essentially incomprehensible, just barely clinging to the form itself: "I have to give you a book, because you're the only thing in your eyes," and "You must be a tringle? Because you're the only thing here" stand out.
Trend Themes
1. Artificial Intelligence - Developing advanced AI algorithms that can generate creative and meaningful content.
2. Natural Language Processing - Improving the accuracy and coherence of AI-generated text through advanced NLP techniques.
3. Creative Computing - Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative expression to generate unique and novel ideas.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Utilizing AI-generated content for engaging and personalized marketing campaigns.
2. Entertainment - Incorporating AI-generated content in entertainment industries such as comedy, music, and storytelling.
3. Technology Research and Development - Advancing AI algorithms and NLP techniques to enhance the capabilities of neural networks for various applications.

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