Phallic Congratulatory Cards

'It's a Boy' Direct Mail Piece Places Infantile Private Parts

The 'It's a Boy' direct mail piece may make a few people a little uncomfortable; however, there is no denying the great use of medium with this promotional item. The piece plays on the concept of your baby's private parts, leaving a conveniently placed hole for the recipient's finger to go through.

The piece boasts an astonishingly simple, yet effective execution and concept. The 'It's a Boy' direct mail piece makes its point in the most straightforward way possible.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Marketing - Phallic Congratulatory Cards can be seen as a controversial marketing strategy, but it sure grabs people's attention.
2. Direct Mail Innovations - The 'It's a Boy' direct mail piece is a unique and memorable way to promote and market a product or service.
3. Humorous Advertising - The use of humor is a great way to make a brand more relatable and memorable.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Phallic Congratulatory Cards are a new way to grab the audience's attention and bring brand awareness.
2. Direct Mail Marketing - The 'It's a Boy' direct mail piece shows the importance of creativity and innovation in direct mail marketing.
3. Greeting Card - This kind of marketing strategy can open new ways of greeting cards and gifts to the market.

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