Futuristic Web-Surfing Stats

'The Internet in 2015' Infographic Offers Knowledge of Years to Come

'The Internet in 2015' infographic from Cisco offers some informative insight into future predictions about the world wide web.

This infographic calls 2015 the dawn of the zettabyte (ZB) era which means 1000 exabytes. To put this into perspective, the infographic tells audiences that an exabyte is equal to 36,000 years of HD-TV video or watching the entire Netflix collection 3,177 times. What's more is that in 2015 it will take five years to watch the amount of video that is to be thrown across global networks every second. A truly significant comparison was that if the regular 11 oz coffee on one's desk was equal to one gigabyte (GB), a ZB would mean a coffee with the same volume as the Great Wall of China.
Trend Themes
1. Zettabyte Explosion - The rise of zettabytes of data in the digital age presents opportunities for data storage and analytics companies.
2. Video Streaming Surge - As the amount of video streaming increases exponentially, companies in the streaming industry can explore innovative ways to optimize network bandwidth and enhance user experience.
3. Data Privacy and Security - With the significant increase in data transmission, there is a growing need for companies specializing in data security and privacy measures to protect sensitive information.
Industry Implications
1. Data Storage and Analytics - As the amount of data generated continues to grow exponentially, the data storage and analytics industry has an opportunity to develop innovative solutions for efficient data management and analysis.
2. Streaming Services - The surge in video streaming elevates the importance of companies in the streaming services industry to address challenges such as bandwidth optimization, content delivery, and user experience enhancement.
3. Cybersecurity - The vast amount of data being transmitted across global networks increases the demand for cybersecurity companies to provide robust solutions to protect sensitive information from cyber threats.

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