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Human Sand Bag

Jobless Boxers in South Korea Make Quick Cash Being Punched

How would you like to make $10 in one minute? Aspiring boxing professionals of South Korea have stepped onto the streets to make quick cash and blow some stress; "Human Sandbags" have been a recent trend popping up in every possible high-traffic area.

The rules of the game are simple: you pay 10,000 Wons (roughly $10 Canadian dollars) for a full minute of blowing away punches and kicks at your designated human sandbag. You also have the option of being fought back with one arm for two minutes, or a full on boxing battle for three whole minutes.

So if you're in need of releasing some stress with a good crowd as audience watching you, remember there does exist a travel destination where you can punch away for $10 a minute.

Implications - Minimum wage in South Korea is roughly $4. With the competitive job market and a relatively high number of drop-outs, South Korea sees more street vendors than any country in North America. This recent concept of the human sand bag is one that is eccentric and innovative; it doesn’t pay too shabby, either. Within an hour in a high-traffic area in Seoul, a human sand bag will have at least 10 clients—making a minimum of $100 per hour. Though the risk factor in this job can get high with the American army base in town, this is an overall safe and brilliant business idea. However, it has been noted that police men often come by to break up the unauthorized business.

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