Insect-Infused Recipe Apps

Lifesum's Diet and Meal Planner App Now Shares Insect Recipes

People have been eating insects for thousands of years in some parts of the world but bug-based protein powders, cricket flour cookies and insect recipes are somewhat new to North American consumers. Many start-ups have been working tirelessly to change consumers' perceptions of eating insects and diet and meal-planning app Lifesum is now also helping people to open their minds about insects as an ecologically sound food source.

In collaboration with Entomo Farms, the largest producer of edible insects in North America, Lifesum users may now get a sense of how much protein, fat or fiber edible bugs provide. Additionally, Lifesum is now sharing insect recipes like grasshopper tacos and others meal ideas that include crickets and mealworms.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Insects - Insect-based products are becoming mainstream in North America, with an opportunity for startups to create innovative, sustainable and affordable products.
2. Food Apps - Food and recipe apps are increasingly diverse, offering consumers unique culinary experiences with recommendations and personalized menus.
3. Sustainable Diets - The rise of sustainable, plant-based, and insect-based foods are paving the way for more environmentally responsible consumer choices.
Industry Implications
1. Foodtech - Startup companies can develop insect farming, processing, and distribution technologies to meet the growing demand for edible insects.
2. Healthtech - Health-oriented apps can provide personalized nutrition plans that consider alternative protein sources like insects.
3. Sustainability - Companies and individuals alike can contribute to sustainable food production, water conservation, and wildlife preservation by incorporating more sustainable diets into their lifestyles.

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