Kiddie Viral Sensations

Ukulele Rendition of 'I'm Yours' by Cutest Kid Ever Takes YouTube by Storm

Currently making its way into YouTube stardom is this video of an adorable boy performing the hit song 'I'm Yours.' He's pretty talented with his ukulele, and while he isn't singing the original words, it's precious.

When YouTube videos go viral you never know exactly how far the buzz will go. This 'I'm Yours' kid may soon be making the rounds on the morning talk shows, maybe he'll even get a recording deal.

Implications - Children are perhaps the best new marketing method, particularly in the age of the Internet. Online viral videos become hugely popular at an alarming rate in a variety of ways, such as word of mouth and social media. Businesses would be smart to follow the lead of this method of spreading information and products since online culture is a constantly growing media outlet.
Trend Themes
1. Children as Marketing Tools - Businesses can harness the power of children as viral sensations to promote their products or services.
2. Online Viral Videos - The popularity of online viral videos provides opportunities for businesses to gain exposure and reach a wider audience.
3. Growing Influence of Online Culture - Businesses should leverage the constantly growing media outlet of online culture to promote their offerings and engage with consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising agencies can utilize children as marketing tools to create impactful campaigns that resonate with consumers.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can tap into the trend of online viral videos to produce and distribute captivating content that appeals to a global audience.
3. Digital Marketing - Digital marketers can leverage the influence of online culture to develop innovative strategies that create buzz and drive brand awareness.

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