Bloody Ballerina Shoots

'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin Recalls Gory Greek Mythology

'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin might freak you out at first, but stay with me--there's a solid theme here. In Greek mythology, ichor is the blood of the gods, and this prized liquid existed in nectar and ambrosia.

This shoot brings ancient mythology into the present. The model wears a lacy bra and long tulle skirt, and manages to look sensual and innocent at once--even as she's covered in blood.

Implications - 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin brings to mind the goriness of greek mythology that you learned in High School. This is shoot is definitely an amazing one by a great photographer. See more shots from 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin above.
Trend Themes
1. Disruptive Greek Mythology-inspired Fashion - The 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin shoot demonstrates the potential for incorporating ancient mythology themes into contemporary fashion photography, creating a unique and engaging visual experience.
2. Sensual-yet-gory Conceptual Photography - The juxtaposition of sensuality and blood in 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin opens up opportunities for photographers and artists to explore the boundaries of beauty and horror in their work.
3. Reviving Mythological Symbolism in Art - By invoking the concept of ichor as seen in Greek mythology, artists like Aaron McPolin can tap into a timeless well of symbolism, connecting with audiences on a deep and archetypal level.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Fashion photographers can take inspiration from 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin to create innovative and unconventional shoots that push the boundaries of traditional fashion photography.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers can explore the fusion of mythology and contemporary aesthetics, as demonstrated by 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin, to create thought-provoking and visually captivating artworks.
3. Conceptual Photography - The merging of mythology and conceptual photography in 'Ichor' by Aaron McPolin opens up new avenues for photographers to create captivating and immersive storytelling through their visual narratives.

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