Resilient Athlete Campaigns

The COC Triumphs Canadian Athletes with 'Ice in Our Veins'

Before the start of the Olympic Summer Games in Rio, the Canadian Olympic Committee released the 'Ice in Our Veins' campaign in order to introduce the nation to some of its tough athletes that will be competing.

In the minute-long commercial for the Canadian Olympic team, a variety of athletes are shown not in a summer setting, but an icy tundra with glaciers, caribou and wolves that is described as "our beach." This 2016 campaign for Team Canada was shot in Ontario's Georgian Bay over the course of two days.

A voiceover in the commercial remarks: "The cold steels our resolve. The wind thickens our skin, so that, in the heat of the fight, all we feel is the fire in our hearts and the ice in our veins."
Trend Themes
1. Emotional Branding - Creating campaigns that evoke strong emotions and capture the spirit of a brand.
2. Non-traditional Settings - Utilizing unique environments to showcase a different side of athletes and challenge traditional expectations.
3. Storytelling Advertising - Crafting narratives that resonate with audiences and create a deeper connection to the brand.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Apparel - Using emotional branding to differentiate products and build a loyal customer base.
2. Travel and Tourism - Promoting non-traditional destinations and experiences to adventurous travelers.
3. Film and Television - Incorporating storytelling techniques into advertising and entertainment content to engage and captivate viewers.

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